Kindly ensure that these requirements are clearly outlined within the details of your prize giving order before it is entered/uploaded/submitted. 

The details should include the following:


  1. The AWARDER” (i.e., the name of the school/institution giving the award)
  2. “The CATEGORY” (i.e., the reason for the award or the name of the event being awarded)
  3. “The YEAR” (i.e., the year in which the award is given)
  4. Where applicable, “The AWARDEE’S NAME” (i.e., the name of the person receiving the award).
  5. Where applicable, “The CITATION” (i.e., A quote that makes mention of a praiseworthy act)
  6. The “GRAPHIC” (i.e. an emblem such as the school’s crest, company’s logo, spelling bee symbol, books etc.)
  7. Where badges are being ordered, the preferred COLOUR, SHAPE & QUANTITY needed for each category of badges must be stated


ALL files/images associated with your order are to be uploaded within the appropriate section below. Make note that a maximum of 100 files/images is allowed. 

Information provided will be engraved as is submitted. Colours Jamaica will not be held liable for incorrect submission. Please take the time to review and do a proper spell check.

At Colours Jamaica we “cut & paste” information received whenever we engrave products. Therefore, clients are advised to pay special attention to upper- and lower-case lettering. All orders are produced exactly as was submitted.

The production of the order will be initiated upon payment.

General Order Form
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 100 files.